Testing Spark Lend


You are able to test the Spark Protocol without spending cryptoassets on the Ethereum Goerli testnet. To get started, head to the Spark testnet client which is available at [app.sparkprotocol.io]https://app.sparkprotocol.io/) and simply enable the testnet switch in settings section of the app, top right corner. Make sure to switch your wallet provider to the appropriate testnet network in order to use the protocol testnet without incurring costs on the mainnet network.

Testnet networks are different environments from mainnet and simulate real use cases for development, testing or production. The assets on a testnet are not “real,” meaning that they cannot be withdrawn to your wallet for any real economic value.

What do I need for testing?

When accessing each testnet, you will need to use its own native asset token. You can find these in the Faucet tab of app.sparkprotocol.io where you can submit a transaction for the specific token you need.

Steps to test:

  1. Go to [app.sparkprotocol.io]https://app.sparkprotocol.io/), select the settings button on the top right corner, enable testnet view

  2. Switch to the testnet you wish to utilize over your wallet provider

  3. Make sure to have the native asset for the specific network

  4. Get some tokens from the test client faucet

How do I get the native asset of the testnet?

How do I get tokens for testing?

You can get tokens to test tokens from the Faucet section on the top menu of [app.sparkprotocol.io]https://app.sparkprotocol.io/).

How do I select the testnet?

First, be sure to check your wallet provider allows you to switch to testnet. There are many wallet providers, that allow this, such as Kovan, Rinkeby and Mumbai, but you’ll need to verify the suitability yourself prior to testing. Some providers, such as the Metamask extension, display the network selection on top of the menu over the extension and, in the case of mobile Metamask, above of the wallet section. It’s important to always do your research for compatible wallets with compatible networks.

Can I test all Spark Protocol functionalities?

You’ll be able to test all the functionalities available over the testnet client in the mainnet app. However, please do consider that the data displayed will not be the same as the data shown in the mainnet client. After completing the previous steps, you can test any functionality available in the testnet app.

Happy testing!

Last updated